How to Make Good Decisions in Poker
Poker is a card game in which players make decisions under uncertainty. Whether in poker or life, you have to make choices that will help achieve your goals without knowing what the outcome will be. The key to making good decisions in this type of situation is to estimate the probabilities of different scenarios and choose the ones that will maximize your profit. The first step is having an open mind and considering the different options that are available.
You should always aim to play a hand with positive expected value and not let your emotions dictate your actions. If you are worried about losing your buy-in, it is usually better to fold. Similarly, playing a hand that you have a high chance of losing will often cost you money in the long run.
Aim to fast-play your strong hands, especially in heads-up situations. This will allow you to build the pot and force players to call your bets with weaker hands. It will also give you an advantage when you bluff because your opponents will know that you have a strong hand.
Getting involved with a draw is a risky move but you should be willing to take the risk if you think the odds of hitting them are high enough. This is especially important in the Cut-Off (CO) position and Under the Gun (UTG). If you are unable to balance the odds and potential returns with this principle, you will likely lose a lot of money over time.