What is a Casino?
In a casino, gamblers are surrounded by noise, bright lights and other people. In addition to gambling, casinos often offer restaurants and other entertainment, including stage shows. Some casinos are built on islands or other remote locations to create an atmosphere of exclusivity and glamour. Some casinos are designed for specific types of gambling, such as the flamboyant Las Vegas casinos that focus on slot machines and blackjack.
Casinos make much of their profit from the high-stakes bettors who spend the most money, so they offer them lavish inducements to play. These may include free spectacular entertainment and luxury suites, reduced-fare transportation, free meals and drinks while they gamble, and other perks. Many high-stakes bettors prefer to gamble in special rooms that are separate from the main casino floor.
While gambling in one form or another probably predates recorded history, the modern casino as a place where patrons can find a variety of ways to gamble under one roof developed in Europe during the 16th century, when a gaming craze swept across the continent. The elegant spa town of Baden-Baden became a favorite destination for European royalty and aristocracy, who played at tables set in beautiful rooms with red-and-gold décor.
By the 1950s, casinos sought funds to expand and renovate in order to attract more customers. Legitimate businessmen were reluctant to invest in a gambling establishment because of the industry’s seamy reputation, so casino owners turned to organized crime figures for help. The mobsters supplied the cash, but they also became personally involved in the operation of some casinos and even took sole or partial ownership of some.