What is a Casino?
A casino is an establishment for gambling. Modern casinos often feature a wide range of games, including slot machines and poker, along with more exotic offerings like baccarat, craps, and roulette. Casinos are usually combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail shops and other tourist attractions. The casino industry is one of the world’s largest and most profitable.
While some casinos offer a variety of non-gambling entertainment, the vast majority of their profits are derived from gambling. In fact, even a very small edge for the house in games such as blackjack or video poker would earn them billions of dollars per year. This advantage, called the house edge, is built into the games themselves; it is not a result of skill or manipulation by players. The house’s edge is also known as the vig or rake, and it is collected by the casino in games where there is an element of chance (such as poker, roulette, and blackjack).
Although gambling almost certainly predates recorded history, the modern casino was developed in Nevada in the early twentieth century during a gambling boom. Its success inspired similar businesses in other states and around the world. During the 1980s and 1990s, hotel chains and real estate investors bought out many of the original mob-linked operators, and today’s casinos are generally free from mob interference.
Modern casinos use technology to oversee their games, and to eschew cheating and collusion by patrons. In addition to a wide array of surveillance cameras, electronic systems supervise the amount of money being wagered minute-by-minute, and monitor roulette wheels for statistical deviations. Each table game has a pit boss or manager who oversees the employees, making sure they are not skimming money from players or engaging in other suspicious behavior.